Sunday, May 25, 2008

To kill some writer's block

1. list 20 things you want to say to 20 different people but know you never will.

2. Dont say who they are.

3. Feel free to comment, but dont confirm or answer anything.

4. Never Discuss it again.

1. You are the best. You are my escape from the world. When you locked me out of your life, you locked me in mine. All I want is my best friend back.

2. You know that things are fucked up and wrong. Why don't you help? Why watch a child drown when you could at least call for help? Are you scared? Or do you not know where you stand? Either way, the answer is messed up. Your insecurities should not be the death of someone else.

3. You are the most bluntly honest person I know, and I love it. You would say what you thought of people to their face instead of typing it in here if the moment were right. I haven't seen you much lately and it makes me sad because you're a great person to hang out with. You don't give a shit and you're the bravest little person I know. I'm not afraid to tell you anything because I know you're judgmental but in the right way.

4. You have ruined me for all the other men in the world. No man will ever stand a chance and mostly because I trusted you. You lied and hurt me in a way that no fist or knife could ever compare.

5. I miss you. I didn't realize it until just a little bit ago and you have been out of my life for almost three years, but I do miss you. It's unreal how it all happened. The last few days we actually talked were the best days of our relationship and now I have no idea. I often wonder if things could have been different in a different setting. I know I was a handful. I had no idea what I was doing to you, or even myself. I am sorry for the way I treated you. If it could be done all over, I would never let it happen like that.

6. I would be dead if it wasn't for you.

7. I am jealous of your love you two share. You remind me of Troy.

8. Hi.

9. I hate it when you think girls don't like you because you are too nice. It's not that you are too nice, it's that you will smother them until they can't breathe. Step back, don't rush things and just be patient.

10. If you weren't his friend, I would love to be your friend.

11. Maybe I did kinda do things wrong. However, I did love him. I still do. I know I hurt you. I am sorry.

12. You have no idea what happened behind these four walls of my home. Don't tell me I did the wrong thing. He lied and manipulated everyone. Of course everyone thought we were happy. I don't go airing my dirty laundry out in the open. How are things with your wife? I am sure you would say, "Oh, just fine." Yeah. Okay. You also have a mental painting of the way you see your brother and that I respect. You will never understand.

13. I love the way you say hey. I love the way you jump in and know I will hate you for it, but you also know it's the best thing for me. I love the way you are always there.

14. You will be an amazing mommy. I am so happy for all of your success in love. I am so grateful to have met you. The stories we have shared and the memories are breathtaking. As far as women go, you are the most inspirational and well rounded character I have ever met. You will be an amazing mommy.

15. Ugh, will you just get over it?

16. And the relevance of your experiences are what? I hate you, you classic ONE-UPPER-YOU.

17. You did the right thing.

18. I did what is best for me.

19. Let her go. She's happy.

20. Please come home.

1 comment:

Rebecca Stanton said...

Hey chica...I love this message to 20 people blog!! Sorry I haven't read in a while, I'm playing catch-up! I hope you are safe and well...and don't hesitate to keep in touch and let me know your mailing address!! I miss you babe! Love ~beck~ XOXOXO