Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You're almost outta here.

I heard this sitting in front of the PX yesterday. Didn't I just get here! It's weird to think that it was indeed a month ago! Yes, I am almost out of Kansas. So far, only fifty three MILLION things have changed. My graduation day is officially 5 Aug. Now, when I will actually leave FOB Army Strong, as they call our little training area, is still up in the air.

We have been getting quite the run around between the USAF and USA trying to work together. Fortunately, on my level, I don't see as much as there actually is. I am currently using a lot of my down time to try and sort out all of my issued gear. I plan on snail mailing a lot of it over there (who needs cold weather gear in Iraq in AUGUST?), mostly for the sake of not having to lug it all over Kuwait and Iraq.

I know you all appreciate my incredible grace and love to poke fun at me any time you can. Well, my lucky readers, today is the golden opportunity. I gave myself a concussion. A mild one, albeit, but a concussion non-the less. You ready to hear how it happened? I hit my head on the bunk bed! Yes, that is my combat training injury. I am fine now, and the bruising has went away.

I'm not sure what class is on the calender for tomorrow, but on Thursday we get to spend the entire day out at the range. We will leave around 08 and be back in about 03! Yippeeee! It's army training on the pop up targets.

My back, neck and shoulders are absolutely killing me. I figure all my gear I carry around is about 85 lbs or so and that's with out ammunition. It's been really hot, and with as much water as I try and drink, I just don't think it is enough. My lips are constantly chapped (that could be the sun exposure also).

For the most part however, we do have a decent amount of down time. Sometimes, it is a bit much, other times it's much needed. For example, the day after we shoot, Friday morning I have a class at 09. OUCH!

I keep forgetting to get a picture of me in all my battle rattle, but I promise to get that hooked up soon. But for now, it's getting late and I am off to bed.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I am American Airman

It's hard sometimes to stay focused. I have to constantly remind myself, that despite all the pain and heartache I am going through that it is for a reason. I have a good understanding of why we are in Iraq, but that doesn't mean that I really want to be there. I think it's a selfless experiance. My biggest reason for volunteering for this assignment is to get that checkmark for my military experiance. How proud can another military member be if they have never deployed. Believe me when I say I am scared. I am nervous. I am not alone though. There are (first of all) how many American men and women serving in the middle east? Secondly, I thought I came over here without anyone to miss me. I have seen the support of my close and tight knit group of friends from Biloxi. I have seen the compassion from my brothers and sisters all over the world. I miss you all. Over this long weekend I have gotten to talk to most of you. There are a few I haven't been able to get a hold of but I have not forgotten.

I don't think I could do this mission if we were in another un-supportive community as such during the Vietnam War. There is one distinct occasion during my flight to Kansas that made me want to cry. I met a six year old boy with Autism. He is my hero, even when he said I was his. I'll never forget that moment. I only hope he could understand how much it meant to me. I was sitting at the gate waiting for my plane when he ran up to me, his mother just a few steps behind me. He looked at me with these sweet, dream-filled eyes. What came out of his mouth was enough to break any grown persons bearing. "May I hug you?"