Monday, June 23, 2008


Hey Everyone! I am in Kansas and all settled in my dorm room with five other females. There are three that are on my team and I will go through training with and to Iraq with. Additionally, we have an army medic who leaves in about a month for iraq and another female who is going to Afghanistan. These first couple weeks have been briefings and now we are getting into the class portions. Right now we are focusing heavy on Arabic and "Understanding The Insurgency." Wow, I am just blown away by how much I thought I knew,but actually didn't. We have a four day pass for fourth of july and havent' decided what to do with it. I don't really have the money to fly anywhere.

Things seem kinda laid back, but then again, it's just the classroom portion. It is weird to be on the other side of the classroom! I am excited about the comm equipment portion. We will be working with the VRC 91A, the DAGR and the MBITR! All equipment I have taught! yay! Hopefully I'll learn a couple of cool new things.

Next week is only a three day week, but it will be busy none the less. We arm up with our M4s and M9s on Monday and turn them in on Friday Nights. We have every Sunday off. If you want to call, call then! I go to bed early, and get up early. It does make for a really long day, but honestly, I seem to be on the same schedule as I was at the School House in Keesler.

I have met some cool people so far, but believe me when I say I am lonely. I am sure some of you are sick of hearing me talk about Sean,but I do miss him. I often wonder if this would be easier. But hey, don't be mean. There isn't much to do here.
My wireless is 40 bucks a month, there is no common area (except for outside and the bathrooms! LOL) And not having a car makes it a little difficult to get around this HUGE but beautiful Fort!

The weather has been amazing. I have some how managed to sleep through every storm we have had here.
how does that happen when i woke up for every single one when I was In Biloxi?

Well, It's getting pretty late.
I love you and miss you tons!

ABC sends

Friday, June 13, 2008

It's the final countdown

I leave for Ft Riley on Sunday. I am so nervous I am making myself sick. Everyone keeps telling me it's normal to be like this. I suppose that is acceptable, but I just want it to go away. I really don't care to see the CC and First Sergeant again. I''m sure they are going to the airport just to make sure I am really gone.

I have no idea what I am really into. All I know is to keep my head down. Really?

If you thought your life was ever upside down and goint through hell, I have to tell you this is something completely different. This is more intense. It's ten degrees warmer, every room, right now. Your comfortable bed becomes hard as rock. Your clothes don't fit because you lost so much weight from worry. You aren't hungry but your stomach aches. Things that calmed you down make you jittery. Is this really what it's suppose to be like? Are you sure this is normal?

Then I remember how I ended up in this situation. I would have done anything to have been with him. I don't think, right now, I can get over volunteering for him.

Cheers, here's to the next 15 months.